GreenMotril for the decarbonisation of the Port of Motril

GreenMotril is the result of the need to implement sustainable and renewable energy models to decarbonise port environments and maritime transport, specifically in Motril.

Contribution to the achievement of the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets committed by the European Union in the Green Deal.


Maritime transport

Maritime transport plays a key role in the global economy and in particular in the European Union. However, it is also a major and growing source of greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide.


The presence of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in port environments is a serious problem for port users, residents in the vicinity of the port and the entire marine ecosystem.


The decarbonisation of energy consumption will be achieved through the deployment of energy generation from renewable sources close to the point of supply, specifically photovoltaic, the provision of electricity points for the connection of large ships and the optimisation of the electricity grid in an intelligent way thanks to advanced algorithms with predictive capacity and massive data analysis.


Our numbers

29,2 KTon of CO2

During the first 10 years GreenMotril will reduce the equivalent of the annual consumption of more than 10,000 vehicles.

OPS connections

The port's "Onshore Power Supply" sockets will be put into use and enhanced to supply large ships with electricity.


Thanks to the new generation plant, in the event of a grid failure, the Port will be able to guarantee basic services to its users.

Sustainable Development Goals


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all


Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

SDG 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

SDG 14

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

SDG 17

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development


Project milestones

January 2022

Granting of the project by the European Commission

2022 - 2024

Engineering and design stage

2025 - 2026

Construction phase

2027 - 2030

Operation phase
GreenMotril will have a high impact on the port area, its users and its environment based on:

Improving air quality

The use of green and renewable energy will result in ships and other users producing less carbon dioxide in their processes.

Noise reduction

The provision of electrical points for large ships will enable them to switch off their engines when docking and thus reduce noise pollution.

Vibration reduction

When electrical points for ships are put into use, they will be able to switch off their engines. The vibrations resulting from their use disturb the port ecosystem.

Energy optimisation

Processes will be improved to make them more efficient and less polluting, by means of intelligent and flexible management between electricity generation and the needs of the port users themselves, thus optimising the rate of self-consumption and autonomy of the Port.

The consonsortium


A company from Granada with more than 80 years of experience in the electricity generation and distribution sector will be in charge of operating and maintaining GreenMotril's renewable energy which will help to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the Port.

The organisation responsible for the administration of the most important port of Granada will provide the socio-economic environment for its users to access renewable energy sources and thus reduce the gases in its installations.


The GreenMotril project is co-financed in its CAPEX by the European Commission and its "Innovation Fund". The Innovation Fund will provide around EUR 38 billion of support from 2020 to 2030 (at EUR 75 / tCO2), depending on the carbon price, for the commercial demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies, aiming to bring to the market industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe and support its transition to climate neutrality.

The goal is to help businesses invest in clean energy and industry to boost economic growth, create local future-proof jobs and reinforce European technological leadership on a global scale.

This is done through calls for large and small-scale projects focusing on:


Carbon capture and utilisation


Construction and operation of carbon capture and storage


Innovative renewable energy generation


Energy storage
Unión EuropeaEste proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa Fondos de Innovación a Pequeña Escala de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención nº 101038908 (GreenMotril). Este resultado refleja únicamente la opinión del autor y la Unión Europea no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en él.